
What is Call Routing? Types and Benefits

This blog delves into the importance of call routing in modern customer service, explaining how it streamlines communication by connecting callers to the right agents. Learn about the various call routing strategies, benefits, and how emerging technologies like AI are shaping the future of customer interactions.

Kaushiki Singh
Digital Marketing Manager
September 21, 2024

In today's fast-paced business environment, efficient communication is crucial for success. Call routing plays a vital role in streamlining customer interactions and improving overall service quality. This comprehensive guide will explore call routing in depth, addressing key questions and concepts to help you understand its importance in modern customer service.

What is Call Routing?

Call routing, also known as Automatic Call Distribution (ACD), is a system that automatically directs incoming calls to specific agents or departments based on predetermined rules and criteria. Its primary goal is to connect callers with the most suitable agent to handle their inquiry, minimizing wait times and improving resolution rates.

How are Phone Calls Routed?

Phone call routing typically involves three main stages:

  1. Call Qualification:
    • When a customer calls, they first interact with an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system.
    • The IVR asks the caller to provide information about their reason for calling.
    • Callers can respond using voice commands or keypad entries.
  2. Call Queuing:
    • Based on the information gathered by the IVR, the call is placed in an appropriate queue.
    • While waiting, callers may hear messages about their position in the queue or estimated wait time.
  3. Call Distribution:
    • The call is connected to an agent based on the routing rules set by the call center.
    • These rules can consider various factors such as agent skills, availability, and current workload.

What is Call Routing in IVR?

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems play a crucial role in the call routing process:

  • IVR is typically the first point of contact for callers.
  • It uses pre-recorded voice prompts to guide callers through menu options.
  • Based on caller responses, the IVR system categorizes the call and initiates the routing process.
  • Advanced IVR systems can use natural language processing to understand caller intent more accurately.
  • IVR-based routing helps streamline the customer experience by quickly directing calls to the most appropriate department or agent.

What is the Difference Between Call Routing and Call Forwarding?

While both call routing and call forwarding involve directing calls, they serve different purposes:

Call Routing:

  • Automatically distributes incoming calls to multiple agents or departments based on predefined criteria.
  • Uses complex algorithms to determine the best agent or department for each call.
  • Typically used in call centers or businesses with multiple departments.
  • Aims to optimize overall call handling efficiency and customer experience.

Call Forwarding:

  • Redirects calls from one phone number to another specified number.
  • Usually set up manually by the user.
  • Commonly used for individual phone lines or small businesses.
  • Primarily used to ensure calls are answered when the original number is unavailable or busy.

What are the Benefits of Call Routing?

Implementing an effective call routing system offers numerous advantages:

  1. Reduced Wait Times:
    • Efficiently distributing calls minimizes the time customers spend on hold.
    • Leads to increased customer satisfaction and reduced abandonment rates.
  2. Improved First Call Resolution:
    • Connecting customers with the most appropriate agent increases the likelihood of resolving issues on the first call.
    • Reduces the need for transfers or callbacks, saving time for both customers and agents.
  3. Enhanced Customer Experience:
    • Faster, more accurate service leads to higher customer satisfaction.
    • Customers appreciate speaking to agents who are equipped to handle their specific issues.
  4. Optimized Agent Performance:
    • Agents handle calls they're best equipped to resolve, improving their efficiency and job satisfaction.
    • Reduces stress on agents by ensuring they're not dealing with issues outside their expertise.
  5. Balanced Workload:
    • Evenly distributing calls prevents agent burnout and ensures fair task allocation.
    • Improves overall team morale and productivity.
  6. Cost Efficiency:
    • Better call handling reduces the need for callbacks and transfers, lowering operational costs.
    • Improves overall call center efficiency, potentially reducing the need for additional staff.

Types of Call Routing Strategies

Call centers can employ various routing strategies to optimize their operations:

  1. Skills-based Routing: Directs calls to agents with specific expertise or knowledge.
  2. Time-based Routing: Routes calls based on agent schedules and time zones.
  3. Round Robin Routing: Distributes calls evenly among available agents.
  4. Least Occupied Routing: Sends calls to agents who have had the least talk time or fewest calls.
  5. Priority Routing: Gives precedence to high-value customers or urgent issues.
  6. Intelligent Routing: Uses AI and machine learning to predict the best agent for each call.

Implementing Call Routing: Best Practices

To make the most of call routing technology, consider these best practices:

  1. Regularly Update Routing Rules: Keep your strategies aligned with changing business needs and customer preferences.
  2. Integrate with CRM Systems: Combine call routing with customer data for more personalized service.
  3. Offer Self-Service Options: Use IVR to provide simple solutions, reducing the load on human agents.
  4. Monitor and Analyze Performance: Regularly review call center metrics to identify areas for improvement.
  5. Train Agents Continuously: Ensure your team is equipped to handle the calls they receive through skills-based routing.
  6. Implement Omnichannel Routing: Extend routing capabilities beyond voice calls to include emails, chats, and social media interactions.

The Future of Call Routing

As technology advances, call routing is becoming increasingly sophisticated:

  • AI and Machine Learning: These technologies enable more accurate predictions of customer needs and agent suitability.
  • Predictive Routing: Advanced systems can anticipate customer needs based on past interactions and route accordingly.
  • Real-time Language Translation: This technology could allow for more efficient global routing, breaking down language barriers.
  • Emotion Detection: Future systems might route calls based on the caller's emotional state, ensuring sensitive situations are handled appropriately.


Call routing has revolutionized how businesses handle customer interactions, transforming call centers into efficient, customer-centric operations. By connecting customers with the right agent quickly and effectively, companies can significantly enhance their customer service, leading to improved satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, business success. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect call routing to become even more intelligent and integral to delivering outstanding customer experiences.

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